notraction jozi mini meet
The cool thing about South Africans is that they don’t stop with just bags and wheels. They do some heavy engine work. The red FD was a triple rotor with an insanely huge turbo set up.

So, notraction was in Jo’burg recently. I decided I’d try organise a small invite only meet while I was there. This came about while scrolling through the Instagram explore feed, I came across a bagged FD RX-7. Wait, what? I was shocked too. I mean South Africa has some nice cars, really really nice cars. When I say that, I mean everyone has a C63, M3 or RS4. There’s so many of them they’re not even special. Also, there’s so many supercars. I can’t even remember how many Ferraris, McLarens and Astons I saw, they’re just cruising the street ALL the time
So these are my expectations in South Africa, tonnes of supercars and tonnes of cheaply modified crappy Corollas. As I investigated further, I found that the modified car scene in South Africa is actually HUGE. Better still, the quality of cars is also very very high. I mean, there’ll always be horrible, tasteless cars in every scene but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
So Thursday night rolls around and cars start showing up, first was an awesome camo wrapped MK4 Golf on bags. While I was shooting the Golf I heard the unmistakable BRAP of a Rotary, but something strange happened, there were more BRAPS. Three FD RX-7s rolled up. Damn I was so happy to be amongst the car scene again. I mean a proper car scene. So far Zimbabwe has turned out to be a crushing disappointment when it comes to cars so I was ecstatic to see some quality rides.

The cool thing about South Africans is that they don’t stop with just bags and wheels. They do some heavy engine work. The red FD was a triple rotor with an insanely huge turbo set up. As well as this, when the FDs rolled up there was the unmistakable smell of ethanol. These guys mean serious business.

Following the FDs was a 2JZ e30, fully caged, widebodied and ready for the track. Did I mention I was in heaven at this point? A race ready EK Civic was also noteworthy, with all the proper kit. Beaks subframe, stripped interior, bucket seats and harnesses. It was also cool to see a few Beetles show up, I’m not a huge Beetle fan but these things had character.

Something else to note, the VW scene in South Africa is huge. This meant I saw a lot of high quality Golfs, Polos and Jettas. Always a good thing.

I’ll let the pictures do the talking from here. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to the meet, I really enjoyed meeting everyone and getting to know the scene.

I’d like to extend very special thanks to Warren (@waz_05), Oliver (@revbloodednation) and Rory (@_lowbros_). These guys were a tremendous help getting the meet organised. Looking forward to a bigger and better meet soon!